5 Signs That Show You Need An Editor

Whether you are writing a book, or a thesis, or a research paper, or even an article, there are tell-tale signs you can look out for that signals a clear, dire need to work with an editor.

What is an editor, anyway?

There are mixed definitions of what constitutes as an “editor”, simply because, unbeknownst to many, there are many types of editors, all holding different editorial roles. In MMW, our editors are mostly proofreaders and copy editors, who assist to check your work, especially to repair grammatical and sentence structure issues.

However, there is another type of editor that you may want to work with, which is often called a content editor. This type of editor helps you not just with the language, but with the content too. They help structure your writing, ensure that your style fits the target audience, and coach you until you are finally done with your masterpiece!

While we’d argue that everyone needs an editor, here are some of the most telling signs that you should consider working with one.

# 1

You’re not fully confident with your writing skills

One of the most beautiful things when working with an editor is that you are always acknowledged as the content expert. The editor, on the other hand, is merely the language expert. Collaborating makes you formidable, as you will be able to truly strategize how you want your content to suit your audience’s needs, whether it is to get their interest, support, or buy-in.

Now, you may know exactly how certain things should be written. The vision is in your head, and you can even tell your editor how your audience will react when reading you content. But if you have trouble putting into words what you see in your head, then that’s the first sign that you may want to work with an editor to get you there.

# 2

You’ve never written anything before

When I say this, I mean writing something significant – like a book, or a paper, or even content for a website. All of us will have written something before, be it a social media post, emails, or essays in school. But writing content is a totally different game plan. If you’re not sure how writing on social media is supposed to be different to the style you’re supposed to adopt when writing an article or a book, this is a definite sign that you need input from an editor.

# 3

Your thoughts are everywhere

This is a problem that is often faced by people with a lot of ideas. To them, creativity and ideas are gifts that come easily to them, but communicating these ideas into words in a coherent story is almost impossible. If you face this problem, then working with an editor will greatly help. By giving some outside perspective, the editor can help you clarify your thoughts and construct a workable story so that your audience understands exactly what you want them to know.

# 4

You don’t know how the piece should begin

Believe it or not, the beginning is often the most difficult part to write. This is why many authors start by writing the middle of the book, or the ending, before doubling back to go to the beginning. If you’ve ever written a paper, you’ll know that writing the introduction comes last. For a thesis, Chapter 1 cannot be completed until the rest of the chapters are done. Understandably, however, seeing that blank page makes it much more difficult to begin. If you have ideas of bits and pieces but do not know where to start, an editor can help you.

# 5

You need companionship to progress

Some people work best when they are given deadlines. Some people work best when they have a cup of coffee. And some work best when they have someone there to support them, to bounce ideas with, and to just give words of encouragement and advice throughout the journey. If you are a person who values affirmations that you are doing a good job to continue doing what you are doing, then consider finding an editor that you can work with long-term.

Our team at MMW is always doing our level best to help deliver the best quality to our clients. We proofread down to the quotation marks to ensure your document is accurate and that you have the best chance for publication, or passing your viva, or scoring the maximum number of customers and clients. We are also here to support you. Come talk to us today if you need an editor to work with!