
To become the #1 preferred language services provider in Malaysia.


One day, everyone will be able to communicate their ideas effectively.


About Us

We are a group of highly qualified proofreaders, editors and copywriters who aim to become the preferred #1 best language services in Malaysia. We serve academic and corporate clients in both public and private organisations in the country.

To date, we have eleven editors working together to deliver the best services for you. Come talk to us!

Core Values


To be thorough and meticulous to set the benchmark for quality, reflected through standardisation of spelling, terms and phrases so that readers are not distracted from the true intended meaning of the client.


To choose the best words, the best structures, down to the best placement of commas, to ensure that the language reflects the field of the document. Language accuracy is to understand the differences between legal language, technical language, and the language of laymen, and to be able to curate the document with accuracy for the intended audience.


To deliver faster than what the client expected, to allow the clients to manage more important and pressing issues to publish, distribute, or send the documents to its intended destinations as fast as possible.